Even after decades of missionary activities, Christians are still a minority in India. So do we continue to leave the evangelization of India to chance hoping that Christ will tarry until then? Consider this. Our country, as many companies have found, is many nations within this geographical boundary of India. Each nation within India has a set of culture, language, values, symbols and connotations of communication. One radically different from the other. This calls for a systematic outreach of the gospel to each of these people groups individually in a manner that is best suited for them.

Even after decades of missionary activities, Christians are still a minority in India. So do we continue to leave the evangelization of India to chance hoping that Christ will tarry until then? Consider this. Our country, as many companies have found, is many nations within this geographical boundary of India. Each nation within India has a set of culture, language, values, symbols and connotations of communication. One radically different from the other. This calls for a systematic outreach of the gospel to each of these people groups individually in a manner that is best suited for them.

People Group

To elaborate: a “people group” is a community of people that feel connected to each other. They may have a common culture, language, or even marry only within their group. For mission purposes, “a people group is the largest group within which the gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance.”

In Genesis 12:3, when God promised to bless all nations (peoples) through Abraham, He used the word mispahot – a word synonymous with the New Testament Greek ethne, meaning ethnic or people groups throughout the world. We are to be a blessing to the mispahot and ethne – that is to all peoples or ethnic groups around the world. And shouldn’t charity begin at home?

Its time we Indians took on the responsibility of evangelizing our nation. And we start by first accepting this responsibility and not just deliberating on or postponing this decision. Else we will be like the people in Luke 9: 57-62 where Jesus demonstrates the exacting standards of discipleship. Excuses were galore and they didn’t get a chance to participate as they put off the decision – to follow Jesus above all else. How different are we?

Stark Facts

There are many that need us to bring them the message about the coming of the Lord. India is made up of at least 3000 people groups where only about 300 are considered reached. 7.6%of Indians are from 635 tribal groups and 61% of mission work is aimed at them. India has some of the most sophisticated mission agencies in the world. The Indian Mission Association serves 87 organizations and has over 10,000 missionaries.

Yet India has appproximately 25% of the world’s unreached people groups! A shocking fact for a nation of 4,40,00,000 Christians with over a lakh churches.

If you postpone the decision today not only will you miss the opportunity of being appointed by the Lord to herald His coming but also shun the responsibility of bringing this nation to His kingdom.


  • What can we learn from Luke 9:57-62?

  • What stops you from taking an active part in reaching the unreached, or supporting those who reach them?

  • What would you need to make reaching the unreached a viable proposition for you?