The Cultural Perspective – Review

Just as Christ identified with people so too everyone and especially missionaries need to listen, understand, identify and feel for the people they wish to reach before they can effectively communicate. Communicating is not so much what is said as what is understood....

Communicating The Gospel In Culture

– Lloyd Kwast (Lloyd Kwast was a missionary in Cameroon West Africa and had many books published on the subject of cultural anthropology.) Looking at a map of the world reminds us that Christians must study the world to be effective in communicating the gospel...

The Cultural Perspective

Culture and communication are vital to the mobility and spread of the Gospel. Most people are familiar with the embarrassing mistakes some early missionaries made by imposing their culture rather than Biblical truth. Their intentions may have been pure but their...

The Historical Perspective – Review

From the end of the book of Acts until today, the Gospel of the Kingdom has spread geographically as well as culturally down the centuries. Despite setbacks and human failure along the way, God has been faithful to ensure that His purposes are accomplished –...

Four Men, Three Eras

You can change world history! How? Check out the lives of four men whom God used to change the world! You are a part of the final phase of a historical movement! Do you feel inadequate, or think that your education or work background rules you out? Wrong! Anyone can...